All Classes and Interfaces

JCasCollectionReader to read a single article from multiple XML files.
JCasCollectionReader to read a single article from multiple XML files.
Class for asynchronous processing of DUUI readers
Interface for a CollectionReader
DUUI composer.
Represents a tool in the pipeline.
Helper class for compression and decompression of strings.
Driver for the use of Docker
This is the general docker interface which interacts with the docker daemon.
Lazy file reader.
Reader for GerParCor
Driver for the running of components in Kubernetes
Instance of this class is input to composer.add-method and is added to the _Pipeline-attribute of the composer.
Class to represent a kubernetes pod: An Instance to process an entire document.
Implementation of a communication layer for LUA
Class on the use of Lua
Class for managing and using Lua contexts
Lua sandbox to ensure proper class usage or its restriction by Lua
Auxiliary class for the UTF16 problem
Parallel File Reader - not finished!
Encapsulation of a component for a pipeline.
Description of a pipeline for the DUUI composer that holds all components.
This segmentation rules tries to improve segmentation on sentence borders by forbidding to split "brackets" and similar.
Automatic simple document segmentation by annotation type.
No document segmentation
Do not use this class it is not finished and just a raw idea about how one could implement a postgres backend
GerParCor Database Writer
Interface for communication between the DUUI composer DUUIComposer and the components IDUUIDriverInterface.
Interface for all drivers
Interface for execution plans of the DUUI composer pipleine.
Interface for generating execution plans IDUUIExecutionPlan.
The interface for the instance of each component that is executed in a pipeline.
Encapsulation of a pipeline component
Interface for the generation of DUUI-available URLs
Lua Consts
Class for managing properties for connection to a MongoDB
Serialization interface
TTLabXmiWriter to write files to XMI.
Interface for WebSocket connections
Pretty-prints xml, supplied as a string.