Docker Unified UIMA Interface (DUUI)

A framework at the dawn of a new era for NLP processing

Integration of Fact-Checking

The Integration for this example is with python, because the fact-checking tool is implemented in python. In this section, we will explain how to integrate a fact-checking tool into the DUUI pipeline step by step. The fact-checking module is a part of the DUUI pipeline that is responsible for calculating how strong the claim is supported by the fact. We use UniEval (Zhong et al. 2022) as the tool, which allows us to check whether a claim is supported by a fact.

The full example code can be found in the GitHub repository.

Typeystem for Fact-Checking

The first step is to define the typesystem for the fact-checking tool, if the needed types are not already defined in the typesystem repository (UIMATypeSystem). The typesystem for the fact-checking tool is defined in the following XML format:

<typeSystemDescription xmlns="">
    <!-- Imports of all needed Types -->
        <import name="desc.type.TextTechnologyDokumentAnnotation"/>
        <import name="desc.type.TextTechnologyAnnotation"/>
        <import name="desc.type.TypeSystemModelMeta"/>
        <import name="desc.type.TypeSystemModelAnnotation"/>
            Needed Input Types for Fact-Checking.
            The Claim inheritance from Annotation.
            Note that every child gets the features of the parent.
            <description> One Claim for different facts </description>
                <!-- Information of Claim like the source-->
                    <description>Information of Claim</description>
                <!-- Set of Fact -->
                    <description>Set of Fact</description>
            Needed Input Types for Fact-Checking.
            Fact inheritance from Annotation.
            <description> One Fact for different claims </description>
                <!-- Information of Fact like the source-->
                    <description>Information for the fact</description>
                <!-- Set of Claims -->
                    <description>Set of Claims</description>
        Needed Output Types for Fact-Checking.
        MetaData inheritance from model.MetaData, which save in CAS document which tool annotated the claim fact pair.
                    <description>Dependency Library Version e.g. Pytorch...</description>
            Needed Output Types for Fact-Checking
            FactChecking inheritance from Annotation
            <description> Does the assertion confirm the statement </description>
                <!-- The Fact that is checked -->
                <!-- The Claim that is checked -->
                <!-- The result of the check -->
                    The Reference for the used tool, so that the user can see which tool was used for the annotation.
                    It is important for the reproducibility of the analysis.

FactChecking Integration in the DUUI Pipeline with Python

After defining the typesystem, we can integrate the fact-checking tool into the DUUI pipeline. The of the fact-checking tool is implemented in python. Install the needed packages with the following command, after creating a virtual environment(via conda) with python 3.8 in IntelliJ.
pip install -r requirements.txt
The following code snippet shows how to integrate the fact-checking tool into the DUUI pipeline `duui-FactCheckingTest/src/main/python/

from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings
from typing import List, Optional
import logging
from time import time
from fastapi import FastAPI, Response
from cassis import load_typesystem
import torch
from functools import lru_cache
# Import the fact-checking tools from the, which is in the same directory will be explained in the next step.
from factchecker import UniEvalFactCheck, NubiaFactCheck
from threading import Lock
# from sp_correction import SentenceBestPrediction

# Settings
# These are automatically loaded from env variables
from starlette.responses import PlainTextResponse

model_lock = Lock()

# Sources of the models for the meta information
# It is important for the reproducibility of the analysis and needed because the user can see which tool was used for the annotation.
sources = {
    "nubia": "",
    "unieval": ""

# Languages of the models for the meta information and needed because the user can see which tool was used for the annotation.
languages = {
    "nubia": "en",
    "unieval": "en"

class Settings(BaseSettings):
    # Name of this annotator
    fact_annotator_name: str
    # Version of this annotator
    fact_annotator_version: str
    # Log level
    fact_log_level: str
    # model_name in this case nubia or unieval
    fact_model_name: str
    # Version of the model used by this annotator
    fact_model_version: str
    # cach_size for the model
    fact_model_cache_size: int

# Load settings from env vars
settings = Settings()
lru_cache_with_size = lru_cache(maxsize=settings.fact_model_cache_size)
# Set up logging with the specified log level from the settings
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Set device to GPU if available
device = 0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"'USING {device}')

# Load the predefined typesystem that is needed for this annotator to work
typesystem_filename = 'TypeSystemFactChecking.xml'
logger.debug("Loading typesystem from \"%s\"", typesystem_filename)
with open(typesystem_filename, 'rb') as f:
    typesystem = load_typesystem(f)
    logger.debug("Base typesystem:")

# Load the Lua communication script
lua_communication_script_filename = "duui_fact.lua"
logger.debug("Loading Lua communication script from \"%s\"", lua_communication_script_filename)

# Request sent by DUUI
# Note, this is transformed by the Lua script
class DUUIRequest(BaseModel):
    # List of Claims every claim element is a dictionary with following Infos: text, begin, end and facts(to check the claim with the facts)
    claims_all: Optional[list] = None
    # List of Facts every fact element is a dictionary with following Infos: text, begin, end and claims(to check the fact with the claims)
    facts_all: Optional[list] = None
    # Optional map/dict of parameters
    parameters: Optional[dict] = None

# UIMA type: mark modification of the document 
# This is used to store the modification meta information in the CAS, for example who annotated the document, when and with which tool
class DocumentModification(BaseModel):
    user: str
    timestamp: int
    comment: str

# UIMA type: adds metadata to each annotation
# This is used to store the meta information in the CAS, for example which tool was used for the annotation and which version of the tool was used.
# It is important for the reproducibility of the analysis.
class AnnotationMeta(BaseModel):
    name: str
    version: str
    modelName: str
    modelVersion: str

# Response sent by DUUI
# Note, this is transformed by the Lua script
# Output of the fact-checking tool
class DUUIResponse(BaseModel):
    # Meta information, one per document
    meta: AnnotationMeta
    # Modification meta, one per document
    modification_meta: DocumentModification
    # List of consistencies for each claim-fact pair
    # List of begin positions of the claims needed for finding the claim in the CAS
    begin_claims: List[int]
    # List of end positions of the claims needed for finding the claim in the CAS
    end_claims: List[int]
    # List of begin positions of the facts needed for finding the fact in the CAS
    begin_facts: List[int]
    # List of end positions of the facts needed for finding the fact in the CAS
    end_facts: List[int]
    # List of consistencies for each claim-fact pair
    consistency: List[float]
    # Model information
    # Needed for the reproducibility of the analysis that every annotation has the information which tool was used for the annotation.
    # Name of the model used for the annotation, for example nubia or unieval
    model_name: str
    # Version of the model used for the annotation
    model_version: str
    # Source of the model used for the annotation
    model_source: str
    # Language of the model used for the annotation
    model_lang: str

# REST API definition with FastAPI
app = FastAPI(
    description="Factuality annotator",
    # Contact of creator
        "name": "TTLab Team",
        "url": "",
        "email": "",
        "name": "AGPL",
        "url": "",

# Reading Lua communication script
with open(lua_communication_script_filename, 'rb') as f:
    lua_communication_script ="utf-8")
logger.debug("Lua communication script:")

# Get typesystem of this tool
def get_typesystem() -> Response:
    xml = typesystem.to_xml()
    xml_content = xml.encode("utf-8")

    return Response(

# Return Lua communication script
@app.get("/v1/communication_layer", response_class=PlainTextResponse)
def get_communication_layer() -> str:
    return lua_communication_script

# Return documentation info
def get_documentation():
    return "This is Python RestAPI "

# Process request from DUUI"/v1/process")
def post_process(request: DUUIRequest):
    # Return data
    meta = None
    # Already checked claim-fact pairs
    checkfacts = {}
    # Consistency of the claim-fact pair
    consistency = []
    # Begin and end positions of the claims and facts
    begin_claims = []
    end_claims = []
    begin_facts = []
    end_facts = []
    # Save modification start time for later
    modification_timestamp_seconds = int(time())
        # Get the model source and language
        # Needed for the reproducibility of the analysis that every annotation has the information which tool was used for the annotation.
        # Normally DUUI is atomar for each model, however it is possible to use multiple models in one DUUI instance.
        # In this case, the source and language of the model is needed for every call.
        model_source = sources[settings.fact_model_name]
        model_lang = languages[settings.fact_model_name]
        # Add meta info to the response for the user to see which tool was used for the annotation and which version of the tool was used.
        # Like Prevoiusly mentioned it change for every call, if multiple models are used in one DUUI instance.
        meta = AnnotationMeta(
        # Add modification info
        modification_meta_comment = f"{settings.fact_annotator_name} ({settings.fact_annotator_version}))"
        modification_meta = DocumentModification(
        # Get the claims and facts from the request, which were transformed by the Lua script in the Serilization.
        claims = request.claims_all
        facts = request.facts_all
        # Model loading and checking
        with model_lock:
            # Load the model
            model_run = load_model(settings.fact_model_name)
            claim_list = []
            fact_list = []
            counters = []
            # get the claim_list and fact_list
            for c, claim in enumerate(claims):
                for fc, fact_i in enumerate(claim["facts"]):
                    # Needed to identify the claim-fact pair
            # Compute every pair of claim and fact
            factchecked = model_run.check(claim_list, fact_list)
            for c, fact_check_i in enumerate(factchecked):
                checkfacts[counters[c]] = fact_check_i
            # check fact_list
            claim_list = []
            fact_list = []
            counters = []
            factscheck = {}
            # must be checked in both directions claim-fact and fact-claim
            for fc, fact_i in enumerate(facts):
                for c, claim in enumerate(fact_i["claims"]):
                    # Skip the claim-fact pair if it was already checked
                    if f"{c}_{fc}" not in checkfacts:
            if len(claim_list) > 0:
                factchecked = model_run.check(claim_list, fact_list)
                factchecked = {}
            for c, fact_check_i in enumerate(factchecked):
                factscheck[counters[c]] = fact_check_i
            for key_i in checkfacts:
                # Get the position of the claim and fact in list
                key_claim = int(key_i.split("_")[0])
                key_facts = int(key_i.split("_")[1])
                # Get the consistency of the claim-fact pair
                cons = checkfacts[key_i]['consistency']
                # Save the begin, end position and the fact-checking result
                claim_i = claims[key_claim]
                # Get the begin and end position of the claim
                fact_i = claim_i["facts"][key_facts]
            # save for both direction
            for key_i in factscheck:
                key_claim = int(key_i.split("_")[0])
                key_facts = int(key_i.split("_")[1])
                cons = checkfacts[key_i]['consistency']
                fact_i = facts[key_facts]
                claim_i = fact_i["claims"][key_claim]
    except Exception as ex:
        # Log exception
    # Return the response to the DUUI with the meta information, modification meta information, consistency, begin and end positions of the claims and facts and model information
    return DUUIResponse(meta=meta, modification_meta=modification_meta, consistency=consistency,
                        begin_claims=begin_claims, end_claims=end_claims, begin_facts=begin_facts, end_facts=end_facts,
                        model_name=settings.fact_model_name, model_version=settings.fact_model_version,
                        model_source=model_source, model_lang=model_lang)

# Load the model with the lru_cache with the size of the cache_size from the settings file
# The model is loaded only once and then stored in the cache.
def load_model(model_name):
    if model_name == "nubia":
        model_i = NubiaFactCheck()
        model_i = UniEvalFactCheck(device=device)
    return model_i

The fact checking tool can be implemented also in the main python file, but it is possible to implement it in a separate file and test it separately, before integrating it into the DUUI pipeline. The fact-checking tool is implemented in the file in the same directory as the file. The following code snippet shows the implementation of the fact-checking tool in the file. The imports, and are the implementation of the fact-checking tool UniEval (Zhong et al. 2022) from their repository (UniEval).

from utils import convert_to_json
from evaluator import get_evaluator
from nubia_score import Nubia
import torch
from typing import List

class NubiaFactCheck:
    # Load the Nubia model only runs with CPU
    def __init__(self):
        print("Loading Nubia...")
        self.nubia = Nubia()
        print("Nubia loaded.")

    # Check the claim with the evidence
    def check_i(self, claim: str, evidence: str, six_dim=False, aggregator="agg_two"):
        scores = self.nubia.score(claim, evidence, get_features=True, six_dim=six_dim, aggregator=aggregator)
        labels = {k: v for k, v in scores["features"].items()}
        return {"consistency": scores["nubia_score"], "Labels": labels}

    # Checks a list of claims and facts, each claim is checked with the corresponding fact via the index
    def check(self, claims: List[str], evidences: List[str], six_dim=False, aggregator="agg_two"):
        out_i = []
        for c, claim_i in enumerate(claims):
            fact_i = evidences[c]
            out_i.append(self.check_i(claim_i, fact_i, six_dim, aggregator))
        return out_i

class UniEvalFactCheck:
    # Intialisation UniEval
    def __init__(self, device="cpu"):
        # Set the device GPU(cuda) or CPU
        self.device = device
        # Load the UniEval model fact for the fact-checking
        self.evaluator = get_evaluator("fact", device=self.device)

    # Compute the consistency of the claims the facts, each claim is checked with the corresponding fact via the index
    def check(self, claim: List[str], evidence: List[str]):
        data = convert_to_json(output_list=claim, src_list=evidence)
        eval_scores = self.evaluator.evaluate(data, print_result=True)
        return eval_scores

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Test the fact-checking tool
    _evidence = """
    Jane writes code for Huggingface.

    _claim = 'Jane is an engineer.'
    device_1 = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
    evidence1 = """
    Justine Tanya Bateman (born February 19, 1966) is an American writer, producer, and actress . She is best known for her regular role as Mallory Keaton on the sitcom Family Ties (1982 -- 1989). Until recently, Bateman ran a production and consulting company, SECTION 5 . In the fall of 2012, she started studying computer science at UCLA.
    claim1 = 'Justine Bateman is a producer.'
    # factchecking = FactCheck()
    # print(factchecking.all_check(claim1, evidence1))
    # print(factchecking.all_check(_claim, _evidence))
    unicheck = UniEvalFactCheck(device=device_1)
    print(unicheck.check([evidence1], [claim1]))
    nubiacheck = NubiaFactCheck()
    print(nubiacheck.check_i(claim1, evidence1))


The Lua script is used to transform the request and response from the DUUI pipeline of the CAS document to the REST API.

-- Bind static classes from java to lua variables
StandardCharsets = luajava.bindClass("java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets")
util = luajava.bindClass("")
-- Bind the classes from the typesystem to lua variables
facts = luajava.bindClass("org.texttechnologylab.annotation.Fact")
claims = luajava.bindClass("org.texttechnologylab.annotation.Claim")
FactCheck = luajava.bindClass("org.texttechnologylab.annotation.FactChecking")

-- This "serialize" function is called to transform the CAS object into an stream that is sent to the annotator
-- Inputs:
--  - inputCas: The actual CAS object to serialize
--  - outputStream: Stream that is sent to the annotator, can be e.g. a string, JSON payload, ...
function serialize(inputCas, outputStream)
    -- Get data from CAS
    local doc_text = inputCas:getDocumentText()
    local doc_lang = inputCas:getDocumentLanguage()
    -- Get all claims and facts from the CAS
    local all_facts = {}
    local all_claims = {}
    local sen_counter = 1
    -- Via Iterator get all claims and facts from the CAS
    local claims_in = util:select(inputCas, claims):iterator()
    -- Until there are no more claims
    while claims_in:hasNext() do
        local claim = claims_in:next()
        -- Claim inherits from Annotation, so we can use the methods of the Annotation class
        -- Get the begin and end position of the claim, needed to find the claim in the CAS
        local begin_claim = claim:getBegin()
        local end_claim = claim:getEnd()
        -- Get the text of the claim
        local claim_text = claim:getCoveredText()
        -- Save the claim in the all_claims list
        all_claims[sen_counter] = {}
        all_claims[sen_counter]["begin"] = begin_claim
        all_claims[sen_counter]["end"] = end_claim
        all_claims[sen_counter]["text"] = claim_text
        all_claims[sen_counter]["facts"] = {}
        local facts_in = claim:getFacts():iterator()
        local fact_counter = 1
        -- get every fact, which should be compared with the claim
        while facts_in:hasNext() do
            local fact = facts_in:next()
            local begin_fact = fact:getBegin()
            local end_fact = fact:getEnd()
            local fact_text = fact:getCoveredText()
            all_claims[sen_counter]["facts"][fact_counter] = {}
            all_claims[sen_counter]["facts"][fact_counter]["begin"] = begin_fact
            all_claims[sen_counter]["facts"][fact_counter]["end"] = end_fact
            all_claims[sen_counter]["facts"][fact_counter]["text"] = fact_text
            fact_counter = fact_counter + 1
        sen_counter = sen_counter + 1
    -- both directions claim-fact and fact-claim
    -- same process as for the claims but for the facts
    local fact_counter = 1
    local facts_in = util:select(inputCas, facts):iterator()
    while facts_in:hasNext() do
        local fact_now = facts_in:next()
        local begin_fact = fact_now:getBegin()
        local end_fact = fact_now:getEnd()
        local fact_text = fact_now:getCoveredText()
        all_facts[fact_counter] = {}
        all_facts[fact_counter]["begin"] = begin_fact
        all_facts[fact_counter]["end"] = end_fact
        all_facts[fact_counter]["text"] = fact_text
        all_facts[fact_counter]["claims"] = {}
        local claim_counter = 1
        local claims_in = fact_now:getClaims():iterator()
        while claims_in:hasNext() do
            local claim = claims_in:next()
            local begin_claim = claim:getBegin()
            local end_claim = claim:getEnd()
            local claim_text = claim:getCoveredText()
            all_facts[fact_counter]["claims"][claim_counter] = {}
            all_facts[fact_counter]["claims"][claim_counter]["begin"] = begin_claim
            all_facts[fact_counter]["claims"][claim_counter]["end"] = end_claim
            all_facts[fact_counter]["claims"][claim_counter]["text"] = claim_text
            claim_counter = claim_counter + 1
        fact_counter = fact_counter + 1
    -- the Inputs for the python process, note that names must be the same as in the python script
        claims_all = all_claims,
        facts_all = all_facts
-- --     print("sendToPython")

-- This "deserialize" function is called on receiving the results from the annotator that have to be transformed into a CAS object
-- Inputs:
--  - inputCas: The actual CAS object to deserialize into
--  - inputStream: Stream that is received from to the annotator, can be e.g. a string, JSON payload, ...
function deserialize(inputCas, inputStream)
    local inputString = luajava.newInstance("java.lang.String", inputStream:readAllBytes(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
    local results = json.decode(inputString)

    -- Only write to CAS if the results are not nil
    if results["modification_meta"] ~= nil and results["meta"] ~= nil and results["consistency"] ~= nil then
        -- Model information
        local source = results["model_source"]
        local model_version = results["model_version"]
        local model_name = results["model_name"]
        local model_lang = results["model_lang"]
        -- Modification meta information
        local modification_meta = results["modification_meta"]
        local modification_anno = luajava.newInstance("org.texttechnologylab.annotation.DocumentModification", inputCas)
        -- write the information into CAS document

        -- Define the model information for the meta data
        local model_meta = luajava.newInstance("org.texttechnologylab.annotation.model.MetaData", inputCas)

        local meta = results["meta"]
        -- Get the begin and end positions of the claims and facts
        local begin_claims = results["begin_claims"]
        local end_claims = results["end_claims"]
        local begin_facts = results["begin_facts"]
        local end_facts = results["end_facts"]
        local consistency = results["consistency"]
        for index_i, cons in ipairs(consistency) do
            local begin_claim_i = begin_claims[index_i]
            local end_claim_i = end_claims[index_i]
            local begin_fact_i = begin_facts[index_i]
            local end_fact_i = end_facts[index_i]
            -- Get the claim and fact from the CAS
            local claim_i = util:selectAt(inputCas, claims, begin_claim_i, end_claim_i):iterator():next()
            local fact_i  = util:selectAt(inputCas, facts, begin_fact_i, end_fact_i):iterator():next()
            -- Create the fact-checking annotation
            local factcheck_i = luajava.newInstance("org.texttechnologylab.annotation.FactChecking", inputCas)
            -- Set the claim, fact, consistency and model information


Mevlüt Bağcı

If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to reach out to the author.