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Setting Up Va.Si.Li-Lab

Working with the Project

Clone the Repository

git clone

Open the Project with UnityHub

Unity Hub downloads the correct Unity Version for you. Add Android Support, if you want to build for Oculus VR Devices.

Import as Unity Package (Work in Progress)


Add the git package in the Unity Package Manager


  1. Import the samples from the Unity package and open the Start scene.
  2. Open the Social Network Scene prefab and configure the Connection Defintion in the RoomClient to point to your own Ubiq-Server installation, or for quick testing you can switch it out to the Nexus Connection Definition which is the server provided by the UCL (some features will be missing)
  3. Configure the api url to point to your server in the Scene Manager script located in the SceneManager GameObject.
  4. Click play!


  1. Create a new scene to act as your starting scene.
  2. Import the Player, Scene Selecter and Social Network Scene prefab into your scene.
  3. Create another scene and add it to your build settings as well as the database.
  4. Click play!