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Praktikum Scenario 1


Three people take part in the experiment. There are two runs. Run 1: One person sees the flat furnished with abstract objects. The other two The other two people have to use the descriptions to get the right objects from the storage and place them in the and place them in the right place. The participants have random restrictions (sight, hearing, nothing). After the first round, the participants can exchange ideas and tips with the restrictions and roles. restrictions and roles. Round 2: The roles and restrictions are then redistributed and the experiment is repeated.


  • Number of participants: 3
  • Duration: 2h


Round 1

  • One person sees the flat furnished.
  • The rooms are numbered on the doors (the large room in the centre has the number 8).
  • The task is to describe the objects in the rooms in order so that the other people can get the right objects from the storage room and place them correctly.
  • The placement does not have to be perfect.
  • The round lasts 25min. Then person 3 should finish the round. (Stop the time!)

Round 2

  • All participants are allowed to exchange ideas and report on their experiences in the role and any limitations.
  • The aim is to make it easier for the other participants to start the next round.
  • When everyone has exchanged ideas, person 3 can start the next round.

Round 3

  • See round 1.
  • The roles, restrictions and objects in the flat are redistributed randomly.
  • At the end, simply close applications again and remove glasses.