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Praktikum Scenario 2 - Short Films


In 4 rounds, the participants are each shown a different film at the same time. After both people have seen their film (after each film), they meet again in the living room (are automatically teleported) and are asked to give a summary of these films.


  • Number of participants: 2
  • Duration: 1h


Round 1

  • As soon as everyone has clicked on "Bereit" and the round starts, they both watch their film.
  • As soon as person 1 has finished the film, the level window appears and the level can be completed.
  • As soon as person 2 has also finished the film, they can click on \enquote{Ready} and person 1 can start the next round.
  • If person 2 finishes the film earlier, they simply wait until the \enquote{Ready} field appears in the level window.

Round 2

  • Both people face each other in VR and put down their controllers.
  • First, person 1 narrates their film.
  • After the narration, questions are welcome.
  • At the end, person 1 should rate the film on a scale from 1 (bad) to 5 (good).
  • Then person 2 narrates their film.
  • After the narration, questions are welcome.
  • Finally, person 2 should rate the film on a scale from 1 (bad) to 5 (good).
  • (The ratings should later be used as a trigger to separate the two narratives)
  • As soon as both people have retold their film, person 1 can end the level again (record controller for this).

Round 3

  • See round 1.

Round 4

  • See round 2.

Round 5-8

  • See round 1 - 4.


Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4